June 22, 2022

Bush, House Appropriations Committee Announce Inclusion of $100 Million to Accelerate Domestic Manufacturing of Clean Energy

Washington D.C.—Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) released the below statement following the announcement that  $100 million for domestic manufacturing of clean energy would be included in the fiscal year 2023 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies spending bill. In April, the Congresswoman introduced H.R. 7439, the Energy Security and Independence Act to robustly fund the Defense Production Act for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 

Last month, President Biden announced his commitment to invoking the DPA to invest in renewable energy, allowing room for appropriations by Congress to bolster the President’s initiative. In the weeks since the President’s announcement, Congresswoman Bush organized and partnered with more than a dozen congressional offices to request funding, including House Leadership and the House Committee on Appropriations to take critical steps to invest in renewable energy and reduce transportation and utility prices.  

“I am thrilled at the inclusion of $100 million in funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy through the Defense Production Act. This vital funding is in line with my bill, the Energy Security and Independence Act, and advancing it through a committee markup is a necessary step in our efforts to foster communities that are truly energy secure,” said Congresswoman Bush.  “The DPA is one of the most important tools we have to take on high gas prices and the climate crisis at the same time. While fossil fuel CEOs continue to rake in outrageous profits and Russia’s violent war on Ukraine continues, predominantly Black and brown communities like mine in St. Louis have been forced to the brink financially. To protect all of our communities, particularly those with the greatest need, we must take robust measures to transition to renewable energy and lower prices as quickly as possible. This funding helps us achieve that.”

This $100 million added by Congresswoman Bush in partnership with Chairwoman Marcy Kaptur will accelerate domestic production and deployment of energy technologies including solar power, heat pumps, and insulation. The investments will create jobs and bolster supply chains. 

Congresswoman Bush has remained committed to funding renewable energy and increasing energy security for our communities. In addition to securing this funding, Congresswoman Bush—alongside Congressman Jason Crow and Senator Bernie Sanders— continue building support for H.R.  7439, the Energy Security and Independence Act, which would provide $100 billion to fund energy efficiency and renewable energy.


Full text of Energy Security and Independence Act here 


Full text of draft of FY 2023 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies bill here


Congresswoman Cori Bush sits on the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, serves as the Progressive Caucus Deputy Whip, and proudly represents St. Louis as a politivist in the halls of the United States Congress.