February 06, 2023

Congresswoman Bush Announces Michael Brown, Sr. as State of the Union Guest


Washington, D.C. (February 6, 2023) — Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) announced today that Michael Brown, Sr., father of Michael Brown, and co-founder of the Michael Brown Sr., Chosen for Change Organization, will be her guest at President Biden’s State of the Union Address tomorrow, Tuesday, February 7th in Washington, D.C. 

It is an honor to bring Michael Brown, Sr. with me to the State of the Union. Like many on the frontlines of the Ferguson Uprising, my life changed eight years ago. The police killing of Michael Brown in 2014 is what propelled me and many others into lives dedicated to building a world where Mike would still be here with us—a world where his life could not be taken from him. A world where Tyre Nichols and the thousands of other Black people killed by police could live long, healthy lives full of joy,” said Congresswoman Bush. “Every day, I carry Michael Brown and Ferguson Frontline with me in the halls of Congress as we fight to save lives. We must dismantle the uniquely American racist and violent policing system and deliver an unequivocal, transformative public safety agenda.” 

“No family, no person should have to go through what my family has gone through. My son should be here. We need change,” said Michael Brown, Sr. “To have Congresswoman Cori Bush introduce the Mike Brown Bill in my son’s honor to help families like mine who have lost loved ones at the hands of police violence heal from the trauma helps us realize our mission and gives us hope. Congresswoman Bush has been on the Ferguson frontlines with me since 2014 being the change we need to see. Additionally, I am determined to continue my sons legacy through the Michael Brown Sr. Chosen for Change Organization, we provide care and support to fathers and families while processing the unthinkable.  Together we are still fighting for an end to police violence and the never-ending pain and trauma that follows. We must work together to guarantee the safety and security of our communities.”

Congresswoman Bush is the first activist from the movement to save Black lives elected to Congress. She has been a fierce advocate for an affirmative public safety agenda. Last Congress, Congresswoman Bush introduced the Helping Families Heal Act (the Michael Brown Bill) alongside Lezley McSpadden, Michael Brown’s mother, which would provide victims and families affected by police violence access to the mental health services they need. The Congresswoman also introduced the People’s Response Act, which would create a new federal division  — the Division of Community Safety — within the Department of Health and Human Services to research and fund alternatives to incarceration and policing.
