February 04, 2021

Congresswoman Cori Bush Floor Speech in Support of H.Res. 72 – Removing a certain Member from certain standing committees of the House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) delivered remarks on the Floor of the House of Representatives in support of H.Res. 72, which removes Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Education and Labor Committee and the House Budget Committee. Below are the Congresswoman’s remarks as prepared:



Madam Speaker —


St. Louis and I rise in defense of our nation’s school children. I cannot sit idly by and allow white supremacy and hatred to have decision-making power over our students’ futures. To my Republican colleagues — let history remember what you did in this moment.  A prerequisite for appointment to these committees — and for all that we do — must be that you love and represent all people.


We owe it to our children, we owe it to their parents, to have a House Education and Labor Committee that is committed to fighting for a country where all children have an equitable education in an intentionally anti-racist environment. Let me say that again, an anti-racist environment. From the Ferguson-Florissant school district, to the Normandy, Hazelwood, Riverview Gardens, Jennings, and University City school districts, to St. Louis Public schools—all of our school districts deserve better. Harris-Stowe State University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, our tech and trade schools, St. Louis University and Washington University deserve better, because our teachers and custodial workers, our cafeteria workers deserve better. Because our students who don’t have a roof to sleep under at night, our students who don’t have running water at home, our students who don’t have enough to eat deserve better. Because those living with student debt and those that desire to go to college deserve better; our parents deserve better.


We cannot build an equitable, anti-racist education system if a seated House Education and Labor Committee member incites violence through the perpetuation of racist lies in an attempt to overturn an election. We cannot build an equitable, anti-racist society if a member of Congress endorses white supremacy. We need to strip them of committee assignments. And then — we must pass my resolution, H.Res. 25, to investigate and expel them. Thank you, and I yield back.


To watch the Congresswoman’s remarks, click here. To download the Congresswoman’s remarks, click here.                                                                                                                


Congresswoman Cori Bush represents Missouri’s First Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. She serves on the House Judiciary Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. She is also a Deputy Whip of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and a proud member of the Congressional Black Caucus. She is a registered nurse, single mother, and an ordained pastor. Following the murder of Michael Brown Jr. by a now-terminated Ferguson police officer, she became a civil rights activist and community organizer fighting for justice for Black lives on the streets of Missouri and across the country.