November 19, 2021

Cori Bush Helps Push Historic Build Back Better Act Through the House

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01), Deputy Whip of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the below statement following her vote in favor of the Build Back Better Act out of the U.S. House of Representatives:

 “For decades St. Louis has had to accept crumbs — forcing far too many families to make impossible choices between affording childcare or rent, missing work to care for a sick child or earning a full day's pay. As a single mother, I know what it’s like to struggle to survive. As a Congresswoman, I have never lost sight of that. By advancing the Build Back Better Act through the House, we have secured an important win on the road to delivering change that our St. Louis community can feel.

 “The Build Back Better Act will not only transform lives, it will save lives. It will make long overdue investments in women, children, families, older adults, and especially in Black, brown, and under-resourced communities. I am urging my Senate colleagues to take up the bill without delay and without removing any more of its life-saving provisions. 

 “For months, I, along with several of my colleagues, promised that we would insist on delivering the entire Build Back Better Agenda. I kept my promise to St. Louis when I held out my vote on a stand-alone infrastructure bill so that we could secure the best possible human infrastructure deal for St. Louis. I made a commitment that our investments in physical infrastructure had to be coupled with our investments in people. Our vote on this historic legislation is direct proof that our strategy is working, and we are committed to keeping up the pressure on the Senate until the Build Back Better Act is law. 

 “I want the world for our St. Louis community, because I know that when we deliver transformative policies, the sky is not even our limit. It is no secret that I wanted a much larger Build Back Better Act, but I am proud that this compromise bill still delivers critical, lifesaving resources for our community. At the very least, St. Louis deserves the full Biden agenda, and Senators Manchin and Sinema must not block us from getting it. I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens.”
