July 23, 2024

Congresswoman Bush Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Joint Address to Congress

Washington, D.C. (July 23, 2024)— Today, Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) released the following statement regarding her decision to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress.

For lawmakers who genuinely care about democracy and freedom, standing up for human rights is not just a talking point. It’s not conditional. It’s an active choice we make every day. Days like tomorrow are crucial moments where we must show that we support the dignity and humanity of all people without exception. In solidarity with the Palestinian people and all oppressed people across the world, I will be boycotting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress. 

By bestowing Prime Minister Netanyahu with a joint address, Congress is not only continuing to green-light genocide; it is actively celebrating the man at the forefront of that genocide. Instead of platforming a war criminal, Congress should be imposing an arms embargo and using its leverage to force Netanyahu to end the bombing and bloodshed that has already killed over 39,000 Palestinians and failed to ensure the safe release of the vast majority of hostages, all while decimating schools, hospitals, homes, and humanitarian convoys.

Since day one, I have been advocating for a permanent ceasefire and the safe release of hostages and those arbitrarily detained. That is what I will keep pushing for until our pro-peace, pro-humanity movement wins. I urge my colleagues to boycott this war criminal and join us in the fight for a just and lasting peace that protects the right to self-determination for Palestinians and Israelis alike.”